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Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 2006)
- “A Passing Generation,” 1
- “Two Faithful Servants: Valborg Besseth and Gerhard Lee,” 2-3
- George Orvick, “Gehard B. Lee,” 4
- “Rev. Dr. Alfred Fremder March 14,1920-April 19, 2006,” 5
- Elaine Nordlie, “Magnus Brostrup Landstad 1820—1880,” 5-7
- Susan Cutrell, “A Moment to Kindness” (Parkland Lutheran Church and Orphanage), 8-9
- “From the Archives” (baby cradle from Massachusetts; from previous issue: coffee pot), 10
Vol. 10, No. 2 (Summer 2006)
- Jonathan N. Madson, “Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary: A Brief History 60th Anniversary Year, 1946-2006,” 1-3
- Robin Ouren, “A Day at Norseland: Tenth Annual Meeting Review,” 4-5
- Theodore Aaberg, “Christian Day Schools, Part 1 of 2,” 6-7
- Robin Ouren, “Margaret Annexstad, Organist,” 8
- Mark O. Harstad, “Remarks at the 125th Anniversary Banquet of Mayville Lutheran Church, Mayville, North Dakota, July8, 2006,” 9-10
- “From the Archives” (artifacts in a basket), 11
Vol. 10, No. 3 (Fall 2006)
- Robin Ouren, “Historical Society Wins Award for Storytelling DVD,” 1-2
- Craig Ferkenstad, “History Is More Than Words,” 3-4
- Theodore Aaberg, “Christian Day Schools, Part 2 of 2,” 5-7
- “From the Archives” (long horse carved on wood painted with patterns; and, from previous issue: artifacts from Native Americans in a bowl), 7
- “Treasurer, Albin Lervorson, Retires,” 8
- “Some ELS Publications to Keep in Mind,”8
- Marjorie Johnson, “Jericho Lutheran Ladies’ Aid: 100th Anniversary, 1905-2005,” 9-11
- “Thanks and Appreciation,” 11
Vol. 10, No. 4 (Winter 2007)
- Michael Dale, “Florida Anniversary,” 1-2
- “Anniversaries: Churches and Schools of the ELS,” 3
- Leroy Meyer, “Brief History of St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Lombard, IL,” 4-6
- “History of Trinity, West Bend, Wisconsin: Excerpts from an Anniversary Booklet,” 7-8
- “From the Archives” (an army uniform; and from previous issue: Manglebord), 9
- Amanda Madson, “The Tunnel in The Snowdrift,” 10